Azeroth Motorcycle Club

Going the Distance with Dragonriding

Now when I started off on this trip , it began as an experiment.  I was drunk, and I wanted to find two things.  First whats the tallest spots on both OG continents.  Second  how far could I  fly on my dragonriding mount without having to land.

For the Eastern Kingdomes, The Highes spot is the top of Blackrock Mountain. This limits your ability to flying around abotu HALF on the continent of the Eastern Kingdomes. This is because Blackrock Peak is inconveniently near the halway point north and south on the continent.

Now it occurs to me that I can turn this into a play as a guild , game, where the guildies have to show their flying skill and stamina and reach a certain point on the Eastern Kingdons  within a certain time frame. 

1. I could reward the fastest ( other than myself cuz I dont need to Prize)
2. I could reward the most accurate , who land near me within a certain time.
3. We could as a guild have a cannon ball run competion with say relays and scavenger hunts.

The above games could be run for a prize cup of say between 50,000 gold and 100,000 gold.

Mainly though I want to see if people have a Dragonriding glyph system that is more efficient than what I have.  And maybe run group glyph hunts to glyph up the entire guild.

Now since the expansion the War Within is going through it's prelaunch today, seems like a logical chance to glyph up the guildies who need to !

World of Warcraft Dragonflight was an amazing expansion. It introduced the game mechanics of Dragonriding to the players.  It also allowed me to waste my time and see how far I could fly without having to land.

Spoiler,  If you find the right high spot,  You too can fly across the entire continent.

No Joke I flew all the way from the top of the map in Hyjal zone in Kalimdor , and I soared all the way down south to the southern shores of Uldum in Kalimdor. I did that flight in 7 minutes and I did not land until I touched down in Uldum zone on the beach.

You too can do continent wide flights in record time. At the end of the flight you can sip whatever your favorite drink is , and catch some rays on the coast.

Dragonriding adds a much higher speed of flight than it possible even with flightpaths. The only other faster transportation would be porting.    Porting is fun , but it is not as fun as Dragonriding.

So Lets divide this game into the TWO Logical versions. 

Dragonriding Eastern Kingdomes.

Get your dragon glyphed and head out to the tallest peak in the Eastern Kingdomes. Its not Mount Doom but it sure looks similar.  Head to Black Rock Mountain. Up up up you go.

Eastern Kingdomes Canonball 1   Way down south. 

Log into out discord   copy and paste in a new window below.

Once you are logged into Discord Head over to the Gameswith the ==MC== Voice Channel. You must be in this channel when the race starts and when the game finishes in order to qualify for any prizes.  Please make sure you follow any last minute rules or instructions from Chango or the designated Game master.

All these races start from BLACKROCK MOUNTAIN PEAK.  Listen for rules and time of start.

Game 1 2 and 3 WIll be heading SOUTH to Booty BAY.

GAME 1.  Race to the BOOTY.  You are going to follow the rules and Race to booty bay. Wait for game to start , Good LUCK.

GAME 2. Southern Relay.   Listen carefully for what item you need from Booty Bay and listen to WHO and Where you need to deliver the item to . GOOD LUCK

GAME 3. Southern Photo Shoot.  Take a screen shot of the starting line. Post it in the voice channel.  Then listen carefully for what 3 photos you will need to post in the channel  GOOD LUCK

Game 4 5 and 6 will be heading North Good LUCK !

Game 4. TBD
Game 5 TBD
Game 6 TBD when it is TBD

End of Dragon Riding in the Eastern Kingdomes.

Now for Dragonriding in Kalimdor.

All games in Kalimdor will start at a certain branch ( you all need to be grouped together on this branch) In the Mount Hyjal Zone atop the world Tree there.

GAME 1.  Race to ULDUM   Follow the rules and Race to the designated race finish spot in Uldum.  Good Luck.

Game 2. Kalimdor Relay. Feed your Dragon well and Race down to Uldum and pick the very specific item the Race leader or Chango specifies from the specific spot in Uldum.  You may have a web site link that is posted on DISCORD that specifies the Item or vendor you need to find.  Then race to the specified finishing spot with the item.

Here is an example of a flight I made from Mount Hyjal top of the highest branh I could sit upon.

I opened up my spell book by pressing P  and clicked the bottom tab for spell book.I went to general abilities.  I switched to old school flying in order to not use my flight strenght to get to the top of the tallest tree in Mount Hyjal.

    Right at the pot in point of mount Hyjal is the world tree. Use normal flying and fly to the highest point on the world tree that you can.

  Port in and looking up at the big tree we will be using to get all the way across the continent.

If you have your dragonflight glyphed you can keep you speed up.  We will Get positioned on the Highest branch we can.  All join Discord and get set to race across Kalimdor. Listen carefully to the rules and the winning conditions.
Kick off  and get your flight speed up as fast as you can go. When you got a fast rate of speed going , maintain it and keep the wind speeding past you as you fly south as fast as you can.   WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

After about 8 or so minutes of maintaining 800% + + flying speed  I am ready to touch down in the far south of Uldum right next to the Throne of the four winds !

Pay attention to the winning conditions described by Chango or the Game  admin , and may the odd s be in our favor.

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The Motorcycle Club of Khaz Modan
Come ride with us !